Limited Time:
25% Discount for Child Advocacy Centers

Secure Children's Stories

Secure evidence management software dashboard of Guardify for Child Advoacacy Centers
Safely store child forensic interviews with Guardify for Child Advocacy Centers
Guardify, file uploading + digital evidence storage

View, share, and store forensic interviews in a digital evidence management platform, software designed to protect the most vulnerable and prevent the revictimization of children. As grant funds dwindle in other areas, Guardify is here to support your center with a cost-saving upgrade – only for Child Advocacy Centers.

Guardify: Because One Lost DVD is One Too Many


Prevent Revictimization

Prevent the revictimization of the children you serve with Guardify’s HIPAA- and CJIS-compliant framework and long-term cloud storage.
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Serve More Children

Serve more children with your existing staff by eliminating manual evidence processes like burning DVDs and loading USB drives.

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Safeguard Evidence

Streamline & control the evidence-sharing process across your entire multidisciplinary team, when you instantly share or revoke access to any number of users.

Foster Healing

Keep children’s testimony secure and keep it from falling into the wrong hands. Join over 400 other child advocacy centers and their MDTs using Guardify’s cloud-based digital evidence management system to secure survivors’ stories – at a 25% discount for a limited time.

Child protected by Guardify

You Can Better Protect the Children You Serve with Guardify

We’re committed to helping Child Advocacy Centers protect & secure justice for children across the United States. Claim your Center’s 25% discount before this offer expires – use it any time this year.

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Guardify is the leading cloud-based Digital Evidence Management solution.

Criminal Justic Information Systems logo - CJIS compliant
HIPAA logo - HIPAA compliant
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