2023 Champion for Children: Kim Mangiaracino

In the world of child advocacy, there is never a shortage of extraordinary individuals who weave commitment, passion, and unyielding resilience into their work, tirelessly advocating for those who can’t do so themselves. In Illinois, Kim Mangiaracino, brings many of those individuals together from across the state.

Facing recent federal funding cuts, the ability of CACs in Illinois to maintain their crucial operations was threatened. In her role as the executive director for the Children’s Advocacy Centers of Illinois and armed with determination, Kim worked to improve equity in state funding for all CACs. She worked relentlessly with the Task Force on Children Advocacy Centers and Court Appointed Special Advocates for Children Funding to receive an increase in funding this legislative session.

Those efforts paid off and thousands of children will receive the services they need to heal from horrific abuse. The 41 Children’s Advocacy Centers in Illinois will receive $3.7 million, a dramatic increase in funding—by nearly 66%.

These achievements are not just about the numbers—they are a testament to the power of dedication, passion, and advocacy. Kim’s work has set a gold standard for all those working tirelessly behind the scenes in child advocacy. Her actions will continue to echo in the lives of countless children and families who will receive the services they so desperately need.

Her relentless advocacy efforts are a reminder that the fight for a safer and fairer world for our children continues. And in this fight, every ounce of support, every moment of dedication, and every voice raised in advocacy can create a profound, lasting change.

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